Monthly Archives: August 2013

Kondapur and Golkonda Fort

Golconda Me

This weekend I finally got out and about in Superbad to see some of the sights.  On Saturday, I had my own little adventure in Kondapur – the neighborhood right next to where I live.  The main purpose was to find a plumbing store to get a part for the plumber to replace.  While it took me longer than expected, it was a successful journey.  I resorted to asking directions (fail), using Google maps and Google Translate.  It made me realize just how hard the Amazing Race must really be!  I’ve definitely done my share of travel, but I always had someone available to assist me.  It’s very different when you don’t have someone to turn to!

I also came across the Post Office in Kondapur, so it was a double win!

On Sunday, I went to Golkonda Fort with a friend.  It’s a sight I have been wanting to see here in HYD.  We just don’t have the same kinds of Forts in the US – I mean, Fort Sumter and Fort McHenry have nothing on these forts in India!  And, it didn’t disappoint.  The fort is huge.  We climbed all the way to the top.  I think there were over 1,000 steps.

It’s Ramadan and there was a festival happening throughout the city – and at the Fort – so there were a lot of people there and a lot of small ceremonies going on.  The views were great.  Here are some pics to enjoy.

Golconda Archway Golconda Rocks Golconda from top Golconda Archways wide Golconda Arch